

Emotional abuse, is a speech or behavior that is controlling, manipulative, or punishing. Emotional abuse on the other hand may be very hard to recognize because it can be subtle and because victims are normally blamed by the abusers. They act like they have no idea why you are upset. We all might have one way or the other faced emotional abuse. The abusers make it a point to make you lose your self esteem, feel guilty and even doubt yourself. Verbal abuse is the most common form of emotional abuse, but its most often not recognized because it may be subtle like i said before. It may be said in jovial way but indirectly causes pain to the victim. Sometimes the best one can do is divert verbal abuse with humor. It deprives the abuser of the power to belittle you.


Physical and sexual assaults, or threats to commit them, are the most common form of abuse and are usually the actions that allow people to become aware of the problem. However, other abusive behaviors by the abuser make up a larger idea of abuse. Today my main focus will be on sexual abuse. Sexual abuse which is also known as molestation is most often undesired sexual behavior by one person upon another. It is often embarked by using force or by taking advantage of one another. The following below are some examples of sexual abuse. ·          UNWANTED TOUCHING ·          FORCING SEX ·          DEMANDING SEX AFTER A VIOLENT INCIDENT ·          INSISTING ON ANYTHING SEXUAL THAT HURT YOU         FORCING ONES PARTNER TO WATCH AND PERFORM PORNOGRAPHY ACTS ·             RAPE OR ATTEMPTED RAPE One way or the other majority of girls and guys in the 21 st century relationships are facing sexual abuses which of course they have no idea about. If you are experie


Abusers are not easy to spot. Anyone can be an abuser. A doctor, nurse, policeman, engineer, actor etc can be abusers and may have been in previous marriages or have never gotten married before. However, research indicates that, abusers often have low self-esteem. They do not take responsibility for their actions but rather blame the victim for causing the violence. PEOPLE WHO ABUSE MAY: ·          Fear losing control ·          Have fixed ideas about how people should act in the relationship ·          Keep to themselves ·          Have a poor relationship with their partner of family ·          Have controlling behaviors ·          Be verbally abusive NB THE ABOVE STATED ARE FEW OUT OF MANY TRAITS OF AN ABUSER


In my previous blog, i pointed out what domestic violence looks like. On today's episode, we going to find out how it,domestic violence or abuse happens. In other words the causes of domestic violence. Research points to so many causes of domestic violence but there is one underlying commonality which is CONTROL. Most domestic abusers grew up witnessing domestic violence and abuse in their own homes. Either the dad or mom trying to take control over the other partner. Abusers may feel the need to control their partner because of extreme jealousy, strong emotions and difficulties in controlling their anger. People sometimes think they have all the right to control their partners and that women are not equal to men. No cause of domestic violence, however, justifies the actions of the abuser,nor should it be used as a rationale for their behavior, These possible causes are only to better understand why an  abuser believes it is acceptable to abuse their partners physically, sex


Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone yet the problem is often overlooked,excused or denied. Noticing and acknowledging the signs of an abusive relationship is the first step of ending it. No one should live in fear of the person they love. Domestic violence are used for one purpose only, gaining and maintaining control over you. They normally start from threats and verbal abuse and then to violence. Most often, people think physical abuse is the most dangerous.Far from that, the most precarious is the emotional and psychological abuse. The most glaring sign of an abusive relationship is fear of your partner. If you are unable to express yourself freely in his or her company, then there is a probability your relationship is unhealthy. You want to know if you are in an abusive relationship, ask yourself these questions. ARE YOU AFRAID OF YOUR PARTNER? DO YOU FEEL EMOTIONALLY HELPLESS WITH HIM? DOES YOUR PARTNER CRITICIZE AND PUT YOU DOWN? DOES HE OR SHE SEE YOU AS


Domestic violence occurs when a person uses physical violence, coercion, threats, intimidation, isolation, sexual abuse or economic abuse to control another partner in a relationship.  My main focus here is physical violence towards women. Too many questions are asked when things like this happen but the mind-boggling question is what turns such a sweet and caring person into a “beast”? Why hit someone you love?  How are you able to look someone dear to you in the face and lay a fist on him or her? Why would the thought of slapping and stripping someone you claim to love ever cross your mind? These are questions which are being asked all the time when one is abused. Why risk losing a long term relationship over such an unnecessary malicious act? I guess you all wondering, how does it happen, who is the abused, who are the abusers, what does domestic violence look like and why do they abuse?  I crave your indulgence on my next write-up on domestic violence.